PODCAST videos

Video Podcast Production

Transform your educational content with our Course & Tutorial Video Production services. These videos are ideal for effectively conveying complex information, providing engaging, educational experiences in a visually appealing format.

Interviews | Education | Current Affairs | Entertainment


Take Your Podcasts to a Visual Dimension

Video podcasts add a rich, visual layer to your audio content, allowing viewers to connect more deeply with your topics and speakers.

Visual Storytelling

Enhance your storytelling by adding visual elements that complement and deepen the podcast experience.

Expand Your Reach

Video podcasts reach wider audiences, allowing engagement on platforms like YouTube, social media, and your website.

Interactive Engagement

Elevate audience interaction with visual cues and on-screen graphics, making your podcasts more engaging and shareable.


Video Podcasts for Various Channels


Build A Bigger Audience


Enhance Information Delivery


Create Interactive Experiences

YouTube & Vimeo Channels

Social Media Platforms

Website Embedding

Online Streaming

Corporate Programs

Educational Series

Interview Shows

Live Stream Podcasts

Our Process

Planning Your Video Podcast

We start by understanding your podcast’s theme and objectives. Our team collaborates with you to design a visual style that complements your audio content, planning every aspect from lighting to camera angles.

Video Production Techniques for Podcasts

Our production team expertly captures high-quality video, ensuring clear visuals that enhance your podcast. We focus on creating a visually engaging setting that resonates with your podcast’s tone and content.

Post-Production and Editing

In post-production, we synchronize your audio and video seamlessly. Our editors add graphics, text, and effects to enhance the visual storytelling of your podcast, ensuring a polished and professional final product.

Video Podcast Production Pricing

Fast Affordable Packages*

*Bundle more than one service and save!

Starting At



Per Podcast


Frequently Asked Questions About Video Podcast Production

Explore the essentials of Video Podcast Production with our top FAQs.

A video podcast, often referred to as a "vodcast" or "vidcast," is a multimedia content format that combines the elements of traditional podcasts with video. It's a digital audio or video file that is made available on the internet for streaming or downloading, typically in an episodic series format. Key characteristics of video podcasts include:

  1. Visual Content: Unlike traditional podcasts that are audio-only, video podcasts incorporate visual elements. This can include video footage of hosts and guests, animations, slideshows, or screen sharing, depending on the content's nature.
  2. Episodic Series: Video podcasts are structured in episodes, just like audio podcasts. Each episode focuses on a specific topic, theme, or discussion.
  3. Accessibility: Video podcasts can be accessed and watched on various platforms, including websites, YouTube, social media, and dedicated podcasting platforms.
  4. Engagement: The visual component of video podcasts enhances audience engagement, allowing viewers to connect more deeply with the content and its creators.
  5. Diverse Content: Video podcasts cover a wide range of topics, including interviews, tutorials, news, entertainment, education, and more.

Overall, video podcasts offer a versatile and engaging way to share content with your audience. They combine the convenience of traditional podcasts with the visual appeal of videos, making them a popular choice for content creators and viewers alike.

Creating a video podcast involves several key steps to ensure a smooth production process and engaging content:

  1. Planning and Conceptualization:
    • Define the purpose and niche of your video podcast.
    • Identify your target audience and their interests.
    • Plan the format, structure, and style of your episodes.


  2. Content Creation:
    • Develop episode ideas and outlines.
    • Prepare scripts or talking points for hosts and guests.
    • Gather any necessary visual elements, such as images, graphics, or videos.


  3. Recording:
    • Set up your recording environment with proper lighting and audio equipment.
    • Record the video podcast, ensuring clear audio and video quality.
    • Engage with hosts, guests, or co-hosts to maintain an interactive and informative discussion.


  4. Editing and Post-Production:
    • Edit the recorded footage, removing any mistakes or unnecessary content.
    • Add visuals, transitions, graphics, and any relevant enhancements.
    • Optimize the audio quality and adjust video settings as needed.


  5. Branding and Promotion:
    • Create eye-catching thumbnails and artwork for your episodes.
    • Write compelling titles and descriptions that resonate with your target audience.
    • Promote your video podcast through social media, email marketing, and other relevant channels.


  6. Distribution:
    • Upload your video podcast episodes to platforms like YouTube, podcast directories, or your website.
    • Ensure proper metadata and SEO optimization to improve discoverability.


  7. Consistency:
    • Stick to a consistent publishing schedule to build a loyal audience.
    • Continuously gather feedback from viewers and adapt your content accordingly.


  8. Engagement and Interaction:
    • Encourage viewer interaction through comments, social media, or live Q&A sessions.
    • Build a community around your video podcast by responding to audience feedback and questions.


  9. Monetization (Optional):
    • Explore monetization options such as sponsorships, ads, or crowdfunding to support your podcast.


  10. Analytics and Improvement:
    • Use analytics tools to track the performance of your episodes.
    • Analyze viewer engagement, watch time, and audience demographics to refine your content strategy.
If you hire Sunset Video: Nothing! Either way, starting a video podcast can be relatively low-effort and cost-effective, especially for beginners. Here are the essential items and considerations you'll need:

  1. Camera and Video Recording Software:
    • A device with a built-in camera, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, can serve as your primary recording tool.
    • Ensure you have video recording software installed on your device. Many devices come with pre-installed apps for video recording.

  2. Microphone:
    • Invest in a good-quality microphone to ensure clear and professional audio. External microphones can significantly improve audio quality compared to built-in device microphones.

  3. Headphones:
    • Use headphones to monitor your audio during recording and editing. This allows you to catch any background noise or audio issues and make necessary adjustments.

  4. Lighting:
    • Adequate lighting is crucial for a well-lit and visually appealing video. Natural light or affordable LED lighting kits can enhance the quality of your recordings.

  5. Dedicated Space:
    • Designate a quiet and clutter-free space for recording your podcast. A well-organized background can make a positive impression on viewers.

  6. Camera (Optional):
    • While built-in device cameras are sufficient, if you aim for higher video quality, consider investing in an external camera with better optics.

  7. Recording Software (Optional):
    • Depending on your preferences and needs, you may choose to use dedicated video recording and editing software for more control over your podcast's production.

  8. Tripod (Optional):
    • To maintain a stable camera setup, especially if you're using a smartphone, a tripod can be a valuable addition to your equipment.
The cost of producing a video podcast can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the content, the quality of production, and the extent of post-production work. Here's a general breakdown of potential costs:

  1. Equipment Costs:
    • If you're starting with basic equipment, such as a smartphone and a microphone, your initial investment may be relatively low. High-quality cameras, microphones, and lighting can significantly increase equipment expenses.

  2. Editing and Post-Production:
    • Editing and post-production services are essential for enhancing the overall quality of your podcast. Costs for audio-only editing and post-production can range from $125 to $300 per episode, depending on the complexity and length of the content.
    • If you're producing a video podcast, which includes both audio and full-length video, you can expect to pay more. Typical costs for full audio and video production may range from $500 to $1,000 per episode.

  3. Hosting and Distribution:
    • Depending on your podcast's hosting and distribution needs, you may incur monthly or annual fees. Hosting costs typically range from $10 to $50 per month, with some providers offering free plans with limited features.

  4. Marketing and Promotion:
    • Promoting your podcast through social media, advertising, or other marketing channels can incur additional expenses. These costs can vary widely based on your promotional strategy.

  5. Optional Expenses:
    • Additional costs may include graphic design for branding, music licensing, scriptwriting services, and guest appearance fees.

Sunset Video charges $660 per episode for video podcast production services. Keep in mind that pricing can vary among production companies, and it's essential to choose a service that aligns with your budget and quality expectations.